Policy documents for the Comprehensive Program.
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FY24 Policies
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Current FY25 Policies
CCMTP Definitions and Acronyms (8/28/2023)
- P0.01 Document Submission (10/13/24)
- P0.02 Signatures (10/13/24)
- P0.03 Prime Agency Assignments and Transfers (10/13/24)
- P0.04 Staff Credential Requirements (10/25/23)
- P0.05 Transition Assistance Funds & Transition Flexible Funds (3/15/24)
- P0.06 WebApp Processes (7/14/23)
- P0.07 Information Management (9/25/24)
- P0.08 Care Management (8/21/24)
- P0.09 Training Requirements and Opportunities (7/13/23)
- P0.10 MCO CTI and Prime Agency Transfers (7/14/23)
- P0.11 Joint Operating Committee Meeting(9/26/24)
- P3.01 Comprehensive Service Plan Development and Transition Planning (9/26/24)
- P3.02 Documenting Pre-Transition Engagement and Status Changes (9/26/24)
- P3.03 Complexities Affecting Seamless Transition (CAST) (9/26/24)
- P3.04 Case Review (10/13/24)
- P3.05 Unexpected and Involuntary Discharges (Self-Moves) (10/13/24)
- P3.06 Service Plan Quality Review (7/17/23)
- P3.07 Medicaid Waiver Services (7/14/23)
- P3.08 Transition Projections (7/1/23)
- P4.02 PAIR Module & SRN-Section 811 Waitlists (7/14/23)
- P4.03 Housing Search and Bridge Subsidy (10/14/24)
- P4.04 Class Member Concentration and Waivers (10/14/24)
- P4.06 Bridge Subsidy Units Over Fair Market Rent (10/14/24)
- P4.07 Bridge Subsidy Opt Out (7/19/24)
- P4.08 Bridge Subsidy for Participants with No Income (10/14/24)
- P4.09 Bridge Subsidy Pre-Inspections by Prime Agencies (7/26/24)
- P4.11 Bridge Subsidy Employment Incentive Program (7/26/24)
Post Transition
- P5.01 Documenting Post-Transition Engagement and Status Changes (8/12/24)
- P5.02 Reportable Incidents (9/26/24)
- P5.03 Mortality Review (10/13/24)
- P5.06 Post-Transition Closure to Services (8/12/24)
- P5.07 Temporary out-of-home stays (6/6/23)
- P5.08 {Removed}
- P5.09 Transitions to Non-Permanent Supportive Housing Settings (12/27/23)
Special Processes
- P6.02 Facility Concern/Barriers (7/14/23)
- P6.03 Members with No Income (7/14/23)
- P6.04 Neuropsychological Evaluation and Exclusionary Criteria Evaluation (3/19/24)
- P6.5 UIC ATU (7/17/23)
- P6.6 Medicaid SNAP Benefits (7/14/23)
- P6.07 Quality of Life Survey (12/27/23)
- P6.08 Obtaining State Identification for Class Members (7/20/23)
- P6.09 Williams Colbert Initiative (12/20/23)
- P6.10 Engagement and Support Pilot (8/7/24)