Training Archive
This is a chronological list of recorded webinar trainings offered by UIC College of Nursing and our community partners. MP4 video recordings of the webinar presentations are available below, along with PDFs of the slides used during the webinar. Please note, we do not offer CEUs for watching recorded trainings.
ยท The regular technical assistance webinars are archived on the technical assistance webinar page.
ยท The webinars on housing from Corporation for Supportive Housing can be found on the housing page.
ยท The UIC Assistive Technology Unit trainings and open forums can be found on the functional needs page.
ยท In addition to these live recorded webinars, a series of pre-recorded orientation videos are available to support understanding of care management and Comprehensive Program policies & procedures. These will be available once FY25 updates have been completed.
Webinar Archive Heading link
Topic | Presenter | Date | Training Content |
Cardiovascular Health | UIC CON | 2/6/25 |
Recorded webinar (MP4) Slides (PDF) |
Comprehensive Class Member Transition Program & Bridge Subsidy Updates FY25 | IDHS | 1/23/25 |
Recorded webinar (MP4) Slides (PDF) Q&A Sheet (Excel) |
Fall Risk & Prevention | UIC ATU and UIC CON | 12/5/24 |
Recorded webinar (MP4) Slides (PDF) |
Suicide Risk: Assessment and Action | Dr. Tara Consolino | 11/7/24 |
Recorded webinar (MP4) Slides (PDF) |
Introduction to Substance Use Disorders, Treatment Planning, Recovery, and Harm Reduction Strategies | Dr. Nicole Gastala, IDHS | 10/3/2024 |
Recorded webinar (MP4) Slides (PDF) |
Comprehensive Program Outreach and Assessment Policy and Procedures - FY25 Updates | IDHS and Equip for Equality | 9/19/24 |
Recorded webinar (MP4) Comprehensive Program Outreach and Assessment Policy and Procedures - FY25 Updates Slides (PDF) FU Q&A and Discussion (PDF) Colbert & Williams Class Member Rights for those with Guardians or a Healthcare Power of Attorney Slides and Handouts (PDF) |
Quality Documentation in Community Transitions | IDHS | 7/1124 |
Recorded webinar (MP4) Slides (PDF) |
Working with NGRI & UST-G(2) Class Members Court Ordered to SMHRFs | Dr. Sharon Coleman, Deputy Director of Forensic & Justice Services, Division of Mental Health | 6/6/24 |
Recorded webinar (MP4) Slides (PDF) |
The Role of Integrated Health in Community Transitions | UIC CON | 5/2/2024 |
Recorded webinar (MP4) Slides (PDF) |
Best Practices for Supporting Individuals Transitioning from Long-Term Care Into the Community | UIC CON | 4/4/2024 |
Recorded webinar (MP4) Slides (PDF) Timeline Cheat Sheet (PDF) |
Fair Housing Basics: Discrimination in Rental Housing | Susan Theiss, Legal Aid Chicago | 3/7/2024 |
Slides (PDF)
Transcript (Word) |
Suicide Risk: Assessment and Action | Dr. Tara Consolino | 1/4/2024 |
Recorded webinar (MP4) Slides (PDF) |
The CAST (Complexities Affecting Seamless Transition) Process | UIC CON | 12/7/2023 |
Recorded webinar (MP4) Slides (PDF) |
Introduction to the Mini Mental State Examination | Dr. Neil Pliskin and NicoleDurkin | 11/2/2023 |
Recorded webinar (MP4) Slides (PDF) Handout (Word) |
Understanding Alzheimer's & Dementia | Chris Petrik and Arlene Schiff with Elderwerks | 10/19/2023 |
Presentation Notes (Word) |
Legal Risk in Social Service Practice: What is the Risk and How to Manage It | Joseph Monahan MSW, ACSW, JD | 9/7/2023 |
Recorded webinar (MP4) Slides (PDF) |
Informed Consent, Guardianship, Advanced directives and Substitute Decision Making | Joseph Monahan MSW, ACSW, JD | 8/3/2023 |
Recorded webinar (MP4) Slides (PDF) |
CCMTP Policy Updates FY24 | IDHS DMH and UIC CON | 7/20/2023 |
Recorded webinar (MP4) Slides (PDF) P0.0 Policy Definitions (PDF) CCMTP Master Contact List 7.2023 (Excel) |
SUD: The Recovery Continuum, Harm Reduction, and Evidence-Based Practices | IDHS | 6/1/2023 |
Recorded webinar (MP4) Slides (PDF) |
Serving Diverse Abilities: Identification of Needs and Resources | UIC CON and UIC ATU | 5/4/2023 |
Recorded webinar (MP4) Slides (PDF) |
Forensic Court-Ordered Consumers | IDHS | 4/6/2023 |
Recorded webinar (MP4) Slides (PDF) |
Identifying and Addressing High-Risk Behavior | UIC CON | 2/2/2023 |
Recorded webinar (MP4) Slides (PDF) |
Collaboration with Medical Teams and Coordination with Providers | UIC CON | 1/4/2023 |
Recorded webinar (MP4) Slides (PDF) |
Understanding Comorbid Conditions and Integrated Health | UIC CON | 12/1/2022 |
Recorded webinar (MP4) Slides (PDF) |
Medications and Lab Monitoring | UIC CON | 11/3/2022 |
Recorded webinar (MP4) Slides (PDF) |
Updates in Housing | CSH | 10/20/22 |
Recorded webinar (MP4) Slides (PDF) |
Employment Barriers | DRS | 9/1/22 |
Recorded webinar (MP4) Slides (PDF) |
Clearing the Pipeline: Troubleshooting Barriers | UIC CON | 8/19/22 |
Recorded webinar (MP4) Slides (PDF) |
Best Practices in Service Planning | UIC CON | 7/7/2022 |
Recorded webinar (MP4) Slides (PDF) |
Expanding your Tool Kit for Referrals: Interactive Health Promotion Workshops | Age Options | 4/28/2022 |
Recorded webinar (MP4) Slides (PDF) |
Mental Health: Depression & Anxiety | UIC CON | 4/14/2022 |
Recorded webinar (MP4) Slides (PDF) |
The Recovery Model/Independent Living & Disability Rights and Advocacy | NAMI Chicago & Access Living | 3/24/2022 |
Recorded webinar (MP4) Slides Access Living (PDF) Slides NAMI Chicago (PPT) |
LGBTQ+ Cultural Competence | IDHS/DMH | 3/10/2022 |
Recorded webinar (MP4) Slides (PDF) |
Working Through Housing Discrimination | CSH & DHS | 2/10/2022 |
Recorded webinar (MP4) Fair Housing Slides from CSH (PDF) Justice-Involved Slides from DHS (PDF Link to SSA Reinstatement Policies for NGRI's (MP4) |
Hypertension/Heart Conditions | UIC College of Nursing | 1/27/2022 |
Recorded webinar (MP4) Slides (PDF) |
Wound Care | UIC College of Nursing | 1/13/2022 |
Recorded webinar (MP4) Slides (PDF) |
Substance Use Disorder | UIC College of Nursing | 12/9/2021 |
Recorded webinar (MP4) Slides (PDF) Handout (PDF) |
Self-Management of High-Risk Health Barriers | UIC College of Nursing | 11/11/2021 |
Recorded webinar (MP4) Slides (PDF) |
Assessment and Documentation of High Risk Health Conditions and Barriers | UIC College of Nursing | 10/28/2021 |
Recorded webinar (MP4) Slides (PDF) Handout (PDF) Transcript (PDF) |
Access to Diet, Nutrition & Exercise | UIC College of Nursing | 10/14/2021 |
Recorded webinar (MP4) Slides (PDF) Transcript (PDF) |
ISP Supporting Individuals Returning to Work | Eugene Oulvey, PhD, DRS | 9/23/2021 |
Recorded webinar (MP4) Slides (PDF) Transcript (PDF) |
COVID-19 Updates: Long-Term Care Management Updates and Self-Care | UIC College of Nursing | 8/26/2021 |
Recorded webinar (MP4) Slides (PDF) Transcript (PDF) |
Physical/Medical Conditions: Medications & Lab Monitoring | UIC College of Nursing | 8/12/2021 |
Recorded webinar (MP4) Slides (PDF) Transcript (PDF) |
Member Engagement: Service & Transition Planning | UIC College of Nursing | 7/22/2021 |
Recorded webinar (MP4) Slides (PDF) Transcript (PDF) |
End of Life Care: Considerations for Community Transitions | UIC College of Nursing | 6/3/2021 |
Recorded webinar (MP4) Slides (PDF) Transcript (PDF) |
Bridge Subsidy Updates | Brett Penner & Richard Rowe, CSH | 5/20/2021 |
Recorded webinar (MP4) Slides (PDF) Transcript (PDF) |
Pain Management | UIC College of Nursing | 5/20/2021 |
Recorded webinar (MP4) Slides (PDF) Transcript (PDF) |
Sexual Health & Family Planning | UIC College of Nursing | 5/6/2021 |
Recorded webinar (MP4) Slides (PDF) Transcript (PDF) |
Digestive Disorders | UIC College of Nursing | 4/15/2021 |
Recorded webinar (MP4) Slides (PDF) Transcript (PDF) |
Nutrition & Diet: Assessment and Intervention to Increase Engagement and Self- Management | UIC College of Nursing | 4/1/2021 |
Recorded webinar (MP4) Slides (PDF) Cheat Sheet (PDF) Transcript (PDF) |
Trauma and PTSD: Trauma-Informed Approaches to Community Transitions | UIC College of Nursing | 3/18/2021 |
Recorded webinar (MP4) Slides (PDF) |
Personality Disorders: Assessment and Intervention to Increase Engagement and Self-Management | UIC College of Nursing | 3/4/2021 |
Recorded webinar (MP4) Slides (PDF) |
Acquired Brain Injury | UIC College of Nursing | 2/18/2021 |
Recorded webinar (MP4) Slides (PDF) |
Speech and Language Barriers: Overcoming Challenges to Communication | Ellyn McNamara CCP-SLP & Stephanie Bay CCP-SLP, PhD | 2/4/2021 |
Recorded webinar (MP4) Slides (PDF) Transcript (MP4) |
Working Through Housing Discrimination | Corporation for Supportive Housing: Johnna Lowe & Brett Penner | 1/28/2021 |
Recorded webinar (MP4) Slides (PDF) |
Front Door Diversion Program Updates | Elizabeth Festa, Felix Rodriguez, Dr. Laurie Carrier, Ryan Rollinson, Michael Pelletier | 1/15/2021 |
Recorded webinar (MP4) Slides (PDF) More information |
Burnout and Stress Management: Coping and COVID-19 | UIC College of Nursing | 1/7/2021 |
Recorded webinar (MP4) Slides (PDF) |
Supporting Housing Stability 2.0 | Julie Nelson, Johnna Lowe, Corporation for Supportive Housing | 12/10/2020 |
Recorded webinar (MP4) Slides (PDF) |
Spirituality in Community Transitions | UIC College of Nursing | 12/3/2020 |
Recorded webinar (MP4) Slides (PDF) |
Housing Supports Post Transition | Richard Rowe, Brett Penner, Corporation for Supportive Housing | 11/20/2020 |
Recorded webinar (MP4) Slides (PDF) |
LGBTQ+ Cultural Competence: Supporting Successful Community Transitions for LGBTQ+ Individuals | UIC College of Nursing | 11/19/2020 |
Recorded webinar (MP4) Slides (PDF) |
Facility Census Report Training | Sandra Brand, Crizelda Naviamos, Illinois Department of Human Services | 11/9/2020 |
Recorded webinar (MP4) Slides (PDF) |
Recovery Model and Independent Living Philosophy |
Sierra Petersen, Erika Kendrick: NAMI Chicago Amber Smock: Access Living |
11/5/2020 |
Recorded webinar (MP4) NAMI Slides (PDF) Access Living Slides (PDF) |
Introduction to DDCAT Analysis | Vilmarie Narloch, Heartland Alliance Health | 10/15/2020 | Recorded webinar (MP4) |
Ethics in Community Transitions | UIC College of Nursing | 10/15/2020 |
Recorded webinar (MP4) Slides (PDF) Handout (PDF) Transcript (PDF) |
Employment and Vocational Services: Supporting Individuals in Returning to Work |
Ryan Rollinson, LCSW Gene Oulvey, Division of Rehabilitation Services Darius McKinney, Division of Mental Health |
10/1/2020 |
Recorded webinar (MP4) Slides (PDF) IPS Slides (PDF) |
CSH Consumer Satisfaction Survey | Brett Penner, Corporation for Supportive Housing | 9/17/2020 |
Recorded webinar (MP4) Slides (PDF) |
Building Independence: Supporting Self-Management | UIC College of Nursing | 9/17/2020 |
Recorded webinar (MP4) Slides (PDF) Transcript (PDF) |
Post-Transition Care Management: Home Visits and Effective Documentation | UIC College of Nursing | 9/3/2020 |
Recorded webinar (MP4) Slides (PDF) Transcript (PDF) |
Home Services Program for Colbert and Williams Class Members | Garland Burt, Illinois Department of Human Services - Division of Rehabilitation Services | 8/25/2020 |
Recorded webinar (MP4) Slides (PDF) |
Medication Management and Reconciliation | UIC College of Nursing | 8/20/2020 |
Recorded webinar (MP4) Slides (PDF) |
PAIR Module (Section 811 & SRN Waitlists) Training | Illinois Housing Development Authority | 8/13/2020 |
Recorded webinar (MP4) Slides (PDF) |
Communication & Collaboration: Effective Service Plan Implementation | UIC College of Nursing | 8/6/2020 |
Recorded webinar (MP4) Slides (PDF) Transcript (PDF) |
Comprehensive Program 850 PRTP Training | Illinois Department of Human Services | 8/3/2020 |
Recorded webinar (MP4) Slides (PDF) Additional questions & answers (Word) |
Comprehensive Program 850 PRTP Training | Illinois Department of Human Services | 7/30/2020 |
Recorded webinar (MP4) Slides (PDF) |
Infection Management, Disease Prevention, and PPE | UIC College of Nursing | 7/16/2020 |
Recorded webinar (MP4) Slides (PDF) |
Medical Records and Terminology | UIC College of Nursing | 7/2/2020 |
Recorded webinar (MP4) Slides (PDF) Transcript (PDF) |
Eviction Prevention in Supportive Housing | Richard Rowe & Johnna Lowe, Corporation for Supportive Housing | 6/25/2020 |
Recorded webinar (MP4) Slides (PDF) |
Increasing Health Literacy | UIC College of Nursing | 6/18/2020 |
Recorded webinar (MP4) Slides (PDF) Transcript (PDF) |
Housing Subsidies 101 | Johnna Lowe, Corporation for Supportive Housing | 6/11/2020 |
Recorded webinar (MP4) Slides (PDF) |
Guardianship and Community Transitions | Wendy Cappelletto, Cook County Office of the Public Guardian | 5/28/2020 |
Recorded webinar (MP4) Slides (PDF) Transcript (MP4) Transcript (MP4) |
Occupational Therapy in SMI Class Members | Trilogy Behavioral Healthcare and UIC Assistive Technology Unit | 5/21/2020 |
Recorded webinar (MP4) Trilogy Slides (PDF) UIC ATU Slides (PDF) Transcript (MP4) |
Coordinating with Property Management | Johnna Lowe & Richard Rowe, Corporation for Supportive Housing | 5/14/2020 |
Recorded webinar (MP4) Slides (PDF) Transcript (PDF) |
Bridge Subsidy & Housing Forms and Policies | Brett Penner & Richard Rowe, Corporation for Supportive Housing | 5/7/2020 |
Recorded webinar (MP4) Slides (PDF) |
Virtual Housing Location and Landlord Engagement | Johnna Lowe & Richard Rowe, Corporation for Supportive Housing | 4/24/2020 |
Recorded webinar (MP4) Slides (PDF) |
Medication Monitoring and Adherence | UIC College of Nursing | 4/23/2020 |
Recorded webinar (MP4) Slides (PDF) Transcript (MP4) |
Comprehensive Program Orientation: Housing Overview | Johnna Lowe & Julie Nelson, Corporation for Supportive Housing | 4/16/2020 |
Recorded webinar (MP4) Slides (PDF) |
Comprehensive Program Orientation: Clinical Processes | UIC College of Nursing | 4/9/2020 |
Recorded webinar (MP4) Slides (PDF) Transcript (MP4) |
Responding to COVID-19: with Special Considerations for Colbert & Williams Class Members | UIC College of Nursing | 3/26/2020 |
Recorded webinar (MP4) Slides (PDF) |
Bipolar Disorders and Schizophrenia: Therapeutic Intervention to Increase Engagement, Early Red Flags, and Member Self-Management | UIC College of Nursing | 3/19/2020 |
Recorded webinar (MP4) Slides (PDF) |
Substance Use Disorders: Medication-Assisted Treatment and Other Treatment Modalities | UIC College of Nursing | 2/27/2020 |
Recorded webinar (MP4) Slides (PDF) |