Illinois PASRR: Maximus Information

The Williams vs. Pritzker Class Action lawsuit was filed in 2005 and settled in 2010. The suit targeted 4,500 residents of nursing facilities designated as Institutes for Mental Disease (IMD), now known as Specialized Mental Health Rehabilitation Facilities (SMRHF), defined as having more than 50% of their residents with a diagnosed mental illness. The suit contended that the State violated the rights of residents by not affording them opportunities to move from these settings to the community. Individuals that remain a resident of a SMHRF after sixty (60) days become known as Class Members. There are transition programs in place to help Class Members transition from the facility into community-based settings. Additionally, beginning in 2017, that state began to engage individuals who are eligible for SMHRF admission and divert them into community-based settings, with appropriate housing, services, and supports, if determined eligible after the completion of an assessment. This program is called the Front Door Diversion Program (FDDP).

Forms & Documents Heading link

The following documents and forms are used in the Front Door Diversion Program. Any new inquiries for FAQs, AssessmentPro referrals, program reports, and/or Front Door Diversion Program specific provider assessment activities and consumer offers should be emailed to

(These documents will open in a Google Drive viewer. Please download them and open them in Microsoft Word to edit.)

All Bridge Subsidy Forms can be found under “Housing” forms and on the UIC Colbert & Williams Training Website Forms page.

Should a Referred FDDP Consumer or current FDDP Participant wish to file a grievance or appeal, please review the process outlined in 2.4 and utilize the corresponding form, 2.5, to file your grievance and appeal.