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Available Housing

IDHS/DMH Statewide Available Housing Units

IDHS/DMH and CSH have created a Google Spreadsheet titled "Available Units" that is updated in real-time with information on available housing.

How-Tos and Info on Using this Sheet

This spreadsheet contains available housing units coordinated through the Illinois Department of Human Services and the Department of Mental Health

Listed here are housing units immediately available by program type. You can contact Ivan Lopez for all Williams and Colbert related questions at Please Contact Todd Fuller for any SRN/SEC-811 inquires at

Special Notes Re: SRN/SEC-811 Units
Please go to to view all available SRN and SEC-811 units in Illinois. There are several Statewide Referral Units (SRN) and SEC-811 units available. See a complete map under Prescreen Applicant link in social serve then click on see number of units per area link for real time availability.

Please refer to other local and statewide housing resources to obtain information of current units, i.e., Craigslist,,, Local Newspapers, etc. Also check with the local Public Housing Authority for housing voucher or project-based rental assistance opportunities.


For housing locators looking for specific units, please utilize the last sheet in this book: "Requests," where you can request specific types of units in one column and an administrator can respond to those requests in the other

Blog and Misc. Updates

This space is intended for housing locators to share any resources related to updates on available units and processes

SRN and 811

SRN and 811 units listed typically have no referrals or may have one referral in total that has not been approved. Waitlist Managers listed by each unit will be delighted to send a referral for interested class members and FDD participants.

For Cluster Model Units: Please login to SEC-811 PAIR registry for additional information at . If interested, please register class members in SEC-811 PAIR Registry, then submit full name or ID# for referral to Raul Ivan Lopez, or Leon Gilmore, for Williams, Colbert and FDD clients.

For non-Cluster Model Units: Please login to SEC-811 PAIR registry for additional information at . If interested, please register class members in SEC-811 PAIR Registry then submit full name and ID# for referral to Jeri Bond (

All units are listed with the appropriate SRN contact information.

Scattered-Site Bridge Subsidy Units (SSBS)

For Williams, FDD and Colbert (Not considered cluster housing, master lease, SRN nor SEC-811 units). Due to large volume of SSBS units, this sheet is organized by community area (alphabetically) in which potenital units exist. The property manager's contact is listed for potential buildings they own in those areas. Below all community areas is a space where units outside of Chicago's city boundaries may exist.

Master Lease Bridge Subsidy Units

For Williams or Front Door Diversion (FDD) Clients

Colbert Master Lease

Please reach out to Ivan Lopez for updates at

General number indicated on Master Lease spreadsheet: Pangea Real Estate (312) 724-7007. For Pangea Real Estate Holdings LLC and Pangea Ventures LLC, Deanna Conway is the contact person. Her phone number is (773) 305-0185. Her fax number is (312) 264-0711 and her e-mail address is
For Pangea Homes LLC, Candice McWilliams is the contact person. Her phone number is (708) 870-0626. Her e-mail address
Also, Krusha Patel, (312) 940–4470,


CILA (Alternative Housing with no bridge subsidy) – Call for opening at Medicaid Mental Health CILA on the south side of Chicago. Also inquire about CILA in Justice (southwest suburb)